Following up a major report published last year on price formation in commodities markets, on March 20th, ECMI and CEPS co-hosted a presentation by Professor Craig Pirrong’s of h
On February 17th, ECMI hosted the launch of the volume “Boards and Shareholders in European Listed Companies”, edited by Guido Ferrarini and Massimo Belcredi.
What future for socially responsible investing? This question guided the main debate at an event organised by ECMI on January 15th.
Ensuring proper access to finance for SMEs has been a topical issue in the European debate since the outbreak of the financial crisis and is seen as a way to promote innovation,
With over 450 registrations from across Europe, the 2013 ECMI Annual Conference brought together once again international experts in capital markets from industry, policy-making
Greater transparency and better governance for all the actors involved in the supply chain of benchmarks: that is what regulators and market participants expect from the forthcom
A general feeling of scepticism regarding the chances for the EU financial industry to be ready for the next key deadlines of EMIR implementation is tangible across market player
The AIFMD is commonly heralded as the most important regulatory reform of the asset management industry in Europe since the 2008 financial crisis, but certainly not the only one.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released on May 1st 2013 its proposal on cross-border OTC regulation implementing Dodd-Frank.
“The best way for the EU to proceed in the face of market abuse is not to wait for the US to finish the given investigation and then ask for extradition.” This was the advice giv
“We are not in a business as usual scenario, but one in which market panic could jeopardise the managed unwinding of the unsustainable policies of the past.” This was the caution
Financial market infrastructures are key promoters of competitiveness and market efficiency.