The recent IMF report Global Financial Stability Report: Is Growth at Risk? was pre
By broadening the reach of the regulatory framework to the full product and service cycle, MiFID II emphasises the role of product governance (manufacturing and distribution) and
Since the financial crisis, banks have accumulated about a trillion euro’s worth of non-performing loans (NPLs) on their balance sheets.
At present, capital markets have attained different stages of development throughout Europe, and matching of supply and demand on a cross-border basis is still uneven.
The increased reach of MiFID II compared to MiFID I will pose a significant data collection and analysis challenge, not only to market participants themselves, but also to the re
The failure of Lehman Brothers almost a decade ago showed the shock-absorbing capacity of CCPs.
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is often described as one of the most disruptive innovations of the last decade, with the potential to bring a number of benefits to financial
Pre- and post-trade transparency requirements under MiFID II are expected to cause a big bang effect in non-equity markets, especially for bonds and derivatives markets.
Will banks survive the age of digitalisation?
Following the European Commission’s public consultation on the Capital Markets Union (CMU), which it launched in January with a view to completing the midterm review of the CMU b
On top of the vulnerabilities stemming from the incompleteness of the economic and monetary union, the financial and sovereign debt crises showed not only that the ‘intensity’ bu
Early in December, in the context of the first edition of the “Invest Week” and in cooperation with Pensions Europe, ECMI staged an event on “Asset allocation in a low interest r