The announcement of the creation of a capital markets union has led to a flurry of possible harmonisation proposals that could lead to new Action Plans that could preoccupy legis
This commentary provides a snapshot of the current status of the global OTC derivatives markets by: i) identifying general trends over the past decade, ii) looking at the changes in the market stru
As part of the European Union’s commitment to deliver greater access to finance for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), EU policy-makers will have to deal with a fragment
This commentary considers the implementation of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) by the European Commission.
Unveiled by the European Commission on July 3rd, the proposed Regulation on key information documents (KID) for packaged retail investment products (PRIPs) represents a step forw
The last intergovernmental agreement among 25 countries and the ESM Treaty will set the ground for greater institutional coordination on fiscal policies among euro area member st
This Commentary explores what will happen if Italy is not able to implement structural reforms and if international institutions, such as the EFSF and the IMF, do not intervene w
Although the drafts of MiFID 2.0, published on October 20th, follow largely what had been proposed by the CESR (Committee of European Securities Regulators) and the European Comm
The sharp and widespread increase in most commodity prices has alarmed the world and raised questions around the sustainability of our economies.
Karel Lannoo surveys the radical shift in bank capital requirements confirmed by the new Basel III Accord, with its focus on more and better quality capital, especially for the l
In critically examining the rules applicable to third country managers and funds contained in the new EU Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM), Mirzha de Manue