The last intergovernmental agreement among 25 countries and the ESM Treaty will set the ground for greater institutional coordination on fiscal policies among euro area member st
This Commentary explores what will happen if Italy is not able to implement structural reforms and if international institutions, such as the EFSF and the IMF, do not intervene w
Although the drafts of MiFID 2.0, published on October 20th, follow largely what had been proposed by the CESR (Committee of European Securities Regulators) and the European Comm
The sharp and widespread increase in most commodity prices has alarmed the world and raised questions around the sustainability of our economies.
Karel Lannoo surveys the radical shift in bank capital requirements confirmed by the new Basel III Accord, with its focus on more and better quality capital, especially for the l
In critically examining the rules applicable to third country managers and funds contained in the new EU Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM), Mirzha de Manue
EU co-legislators are having a hard time agreeing on regulation for alternative investment funds (AIFs).
This is not the first international banking crisis the world has seen.
The global financial crisis has put an end to the cosy environment in which the financial industry had operated up to now.
Short selling is a technique that allows profiting from falling stock prices. In the autumn of 2008 several countries implemented a partial or complete ban on short selling.
During the decade preceding the eruption of the financial crisis in August 2007, rating agencies and market participants, gripped by euphoria, systematically underestimated the r
ECMI Chief Officer Karel Lannoo looks at the large differences that remain in the risk management of European banks and in the way bank regulation is implemented.