The opening-up of the market for equity market data raises the question of whether data will be sufficiently consolidated and of high enough quality post-MiFID, or whether it wil
This regulatory commentary argues that as the EU is bringing more competition in securities markets with the implementation of the MiFID directive, and the adoption by the settle
This regulatory comment by Arman Khatchaturyan argues that EC policy-makers have tried to make equiproportional representation nearly an aphorism tied to corporate egalitarian se
This ECMI Policy Brief attempts to contribute to the ongoing policy debate on MiFID art.
Jean-Pierre Casey and Karel Lannoo paint a portrait of the likely EU securities market landscape post-MiFiD.
Jean-Pierre Casey argues that UCITS ought to move to a risk-based approach as opposed to relying on the product approach.
As the European Commission is currently in the process of preparing its White Paper on the enhancement of the EU framework for investment funds (scheduled for November 2006), now
Based on a sample of 15 European countries, this survey by Jean-François Gajewski and Carole Gresse analyses various features of the European IPO (Initial Public Offering) market
In this regulatory commentary ECMI's Chiel Officer Karel Lannoo comments on the Commission’s decision to solely impose a code of conduct for the Clearing and Settlement Industry
The proposal by the European Commission (EC) to establish shareholder democracy and mandate the one-share-one-vote (1S1V) rule has drawn much attention and controversy.
Jean-Pierre Casy and Charles Gottlieb try in this market commentary to give insights onto the concept of market volatility and offers determinants to the surge of volatility whic
This market commentary by Charles Gottlieb highlights the difficulties that highly open economies such as Iceland face when global liquidity is getting scarce.